Tasting is the main element in enogastronomic tourism. It is the sensorial evaluation of food, in other words the analysis of the features of a substance which can be sensed and judged by our sensory organs like smell, taste, the consistency and appearance.Moreover every part of a dish in tasting should combine perfectly with the others without any prevailing element.… Read more →
Categoria: turismo culturale
Miele – 3Btur 22/23
Monte Agrella ha affiancato da subito la coltivazione all’apicoltura, grazie a un corso effettuato a Sondrio, sia per il miele sia perché le api per le piante sono fondamentali. … Read more →
Honig – 3BTUR 22/23
Monte Agrella verband sofort den Anbau mit der Imkerei, dank a in Sondrio durchgeführt, sowohl für Honig als auch weil Bienen für Pflanzen lebensnotwendig sind. Apoidea sind die wichtigsten Bienen wie Hummeln; sie sind nicht für die Honigproduktion, aber sie sind wichtig für die Obstproduktion, weil sie bestäuben auch bei sehr widrigen Witterungsbedingungen und können auch im Gewächshaus gehalten werden.… Read more →
CHEESE 3BTUR 2022/2023
In Valsassina, cheese production is widespread. This is favored by the presence of the Pioverna river, which creates moisture favorable for this sector. In Valsassina, Carozzi is one of the most important companies that has been producing cheese for more than 50 years . It is divided into different sections, each of which has specific tasks. The first section that… Read more →
Petits fruits -3Btur 22/23
La production a commencé avec la culture des myrtilles, puis est passée aux framboises, aux mûres aux fraises et aux groseilles des fruits,le passage aux confitures et aux composts a été rapide et réussi. L’entreprise Monte Agrella est devenue un point d’intérêt pour le tourisme enogastronomique de la vallée; vous pouvez la visiter et goûter toutes les spécialités. Read more →
In Valsassina è molto diffusa la produzione di formaggi. Tutto ciò è favorito dalla presenza delfiume Pioverna che rende l’ambiente umido e favorevole per il buon funzionamento diquesto settore.Nella Valsassina una delle aziende più importanti che si occupa della produzione di formaggi da oltre 50 anni è la Carozzi. Essa è divisa in diverse sezioni ognuna delle quali svolge determinatemansioni.… Read more →
Accessibility Varenna 3ATUR 22/23
Chateau du Vezio 3ATUR 22/23
Au centre du Lac de Côme, sur le promontoire qui domine Varenna, se dresse le Château de Vezio, qui veille depuis plus de mille ans sur le fond du Val d’Esino, un ancien avant-poste militaire d’origine médiévale construit pour défendre et contrôler le lac et les villages environnants par la reine lombarde Teodolinda. Il a été construit dans un endroit… Read more →
Today, food tasting is a widely demanded activity by tourists who choose gastronomicexperience, in particular that of olive oil which stands out for being a healthy food, especiallyif it’s high quality. Oils aren’t all similar and the tasting activity teaches you to know them better, for exampleindustrial oils lose some essential nutrient elements, while extra virgin oils are high qualitybecause… Read more →
Varenna’s history – 3ATUR 22/23
Varenna is a village of about 850 inhabitants and is situated in the middle of the easternbranch of Lake Como. It’s built on a rocky promontory and is dominated by a mountain called Fopp on whose top we find the tower of the famous castle of Vezio. The history of Varenna dates back to 729, when it was classified as… Read more →